Weekly Prayer

Join the Intercessory Prayer Ministry in Weekly Prayer on Tuesdays at 6 am and Thursdays at 6 pm.

Music Trivia

Ladies, join the Women's Ministry for "Music Trivia" on April 23rd at 7 pm at the Hickory Taven on Celanese Road.

College Study Break

All College Students are invited to join Freedom Temple's College Ministry for a College Study Break Drop-In on April 26th immediately following the 10 am service in the Freedom Cafe'.

Freedom Montessori “Outside & Grow Bag to Go”

Freedom Montessori Parents:  It's a drive through "Pick Up" and a "I Miss You!"  Please drive through our school's parking lot on Friday morning between 10-11am.  We will give you your child's OUTSIDE & GROW bag of activities for them to work with over the next few weeks.

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day!  Celebrate Mother's Day with us on our live stream broadcast Sunday, May 10th!