COVID-19 Protection

Protect yourself against the spread of COVID-19!

Freedom Montessori “Outside & Grow Bag to Go”

Freedom Montessori Parents:  It's a drive through "Pick Up" and a "I Miss You!"  Please drive through our school's parking lot on Friday morning between 10-11am.  We will give you...

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother's Day!  Celebrate Mother's Day with us on our live stream broadcast Sunday, May 10th!

2020 Graduate Recognition Ceremony via Zoom

Join us for our virtual 2020 Graduate Recognition Ceremony on Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 1:00 pm. Ceremony Link: Meeting ID: 894 6359 9792 Password: 4rb7GN  

Freedom Montessori Now Hiring

Freedom Montessori is now hiring Lead Teacher, Assistant Teacher, and Substitutes.  If you are interested, please email your resume to Mrs. Pamela Brantley at